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Zoom Chat
Zoom Chat from September 2021 Membership Meeting
00:12:50 Valerie: I'm on an old computer and how do I see myself?
00:13:52 Mia Schnaible: Click on the STOP VIDEO in the lower left corner.
00:14:52 Independent Film Arizona: Any questions about Membership:
00:37:05 are there any plans to have In Person Meetings any time soon?
00:38:24 Erin B: We are discussing in person meetings and we will resume those as soon as we know it is safe. We will keep you posted. We miss them too.
00:39:30 Excellent!!
00:40:01 I don't know about You All, but this covid stuff is wearing me thin!!!
00:47:17 How come there's 3 persons talking over each other
00:48:31 Ginia Desmond: Allen, what is you current movie called?
00:55:41 Is there any movement to reinstate the Tax Incentives for us to film in Arizona?
00:56:06 Independent Film Arizona: We are going to address film incentives
00:56:20 Tonight?
00:56:34 Independent Film Arizona: yes
00:56:48 Yeah!!
00:58:36 Nina Shelton UA: Do we know any info on Old Tucson and whether that will be open to film production?
01:01:14 good Question Nina. We're close to shooting and the Old Tucson thing threw a wrench into everything. We have made a deal with an organization in Canada. I was looking forward to Tucson since the studio is 30 minutes from my office instead IN ANOTHER COUNTRY!
01:02:39 Nina Shelton UA: @jceslinger Sorry to hear that. I was hoping they'd be up and running soon. I hate projects having to go to Canada because it's so much more affordable.
01:06:25 Is all of this Look at my career stuff really related to what we are trying to accomplish here?
01:07:21 vicst: Hi I'm a astronomer n writer. Hello everyone. I'd like to intro myself...
01:10:36 vicst: keep up IFA cu next time :-)
01:24:51 Peter Cortelyou: Daryl has his hand up.
01:30:40 Mia Schnaible:
01:35:19 Genie Joseph: I have to jump off. Yeah IFA!!!!
01:41:45 Philip C. Sedgwick, Screenwriter: My apologies all... I must run. Thank you for this meeting! Stay safe and well everyone!!
01:42:06 Jana Segal-Stormont: No! (That Isn't Recyclable)
01:42:49 Jana Segal-Stormont: ReGeneration; The Tucson Story
01:44:39 Edgar Ybarra: Jana, loved NO! (That Isn't Recyclable)
01:45:04 Jana Segal-Stormont: Thanks, Edgar!
01:55:58 Alan Williams: So sorry but I have got to step out. Great meeting everyone
01:59:36 Nina Shelton UA: It was nice to meet everyone.
02:00:01 Edgar Ybarra: nice to meet you Nina
02:07:50 Leo Taylor: Robert, link?
02:09:30 Jana Segal-Stormont: Link to website?
02:09:50 Leo Taylor: Yes.
02:13:15 Leo Taylor: Link not here.
02:14:49 robertewaldjr:
02:15:03 robertewaldjr:
02:15:04 Erin B: Thanks
02:16:42 Leo Taylor: Thank you.
02:20:20 Daryl Mallett: And we NEVER stop learning!
02:20:28 Marcia Forbes: I love that!!
02:20:54 Jana Segal-Stormont: Some of us like to make micro films. It's an art of it's own.
02:22:36 Daryl Mallett: Simon Hayes
02:22:47 Anne Dalton: Have to go!
02:23:04 Independent Film Arizona: Yes Simon! Great guy, super funny
02:25:50 Andy Man - Tucson AZ: fantastic - thank you
02:27:01 robertewaldjr: Thanks. Appreciate it!
02:27:19 Daryl Mallett: Thanks, everyone!